Membership Requirements
1. Canyon Lake Property Owner.
2. Own or have access to a Recreational Vehicle.
3. Volunteer to work on at least one Dinner or Campout
committee each year.
Annual Membership runs from January to December with dues of $10 per couple, $5.00 per single.
The membership meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held at various locations as selected by the Dinner Committee for that month.
A social hour starts at 5:00 pm. During the social hour the monthly meeting will start and conclude by 6:00 pm. A catered dinner will start at 6:00 pm. A fee for dinner will be collected prior to the meal. Payment by check is encouraged.
The campouts are the best reason to join the club. Most campouts are located within 100 miles of Canyon Lake and are planned 6 to 15 months in advance. A campout is run by a Trail Boss and their committee. Meals, events, games and the cost per couple are planned by the committee. Campouts usually run from Monday through Friday.